Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

The Professional Volunteer Fire Department

Training volunteer firefighters is a constant challenge. With expanding department missions, decreasing time available, and limited budgets and resources, it can seem impossible for volunteers to get all the training they need. Developing a training program that meets the needs of the individual firefighter is equally as challenging and it requires planning, commitment and time. The task, so very important, can be daunting and when not done successfully, can really impact a volunteer fire department's professional reputation. "Training Volunteer Firefighters to be Combat Ready" is recently released and free publication that is available to help departments develop a training program that meets the needs of the community and the individual firefighter. Please listen in as two contributors, Chief John Buckman and Chief Brian McQueen review this new publication and discuss training programs in the volunteer firehouse. Training is a critical responsibility of all fire departments, and as Chief Buckman says, "Departments must ensure that training is relevant as well as interesting and fun so that firefighters will remain active and engaged."  https://www.theprofessionalvfd.com/


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