Wednesday May 10, 2023
The Mikey G. and Mikey D. Show: Vincent Dunn
Mike Gagliano and Mike Dugan speak with fire service legend Vincent Dunn. Vincent Dunn served with the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) for 42 years and rose up through the ranks of the department: seven years as a firefighter, nine years as a company officer, and 26 years as a chief officer. 1957 – 1964 Firefighter assigned to Engine 59 Manhattan, extinguished tenement fires. 1964 to 1967 Lieutenant Engine 33 supervised firefighting hose teams. 1964 Graduated top of FDNY officer’s training class. 1967-1973 Company commander, Engine Company 58, in charge of fire prevention, fire education and firefighting in upper Manhattan with a staff of 30. Responsibilities included managing citywide response during periods of civil disturbances. 1973-1977 Battalion commander, battalion 25, in charge of fire prevention, fire education, and firefighting in upper Manhattan with a staff of 150. Assigned to headquarters, Planning and Operation Research Division, coordinated full-scale, fire research test study examining fire spread in New York City multiple dwellings. 1977-1984 Division commander, Division 7, in charge of command and control of fires, emergencies, hazardous material incidents in South Bronx with a staff of 500. Developed and co-wrote the U.S. National Fire Academy course, Command and Control of Major Fires and Emergencies 1984-1999 Division commander, Division 3 in charge of fire protection and fire prevention in midtown Manhattan, with a staff of 600. Developed and coordinated seminars on subjects of high-rise firefighting, terrorism tactics, and more. Sponsored by MagneGrip, TenCate, and